For many of us, working remotely is still an option, but is our home network security still up to the challenge? For over two years a large number of employees have worked remotely, leaving employers to scramble to ensure cybersecurity standards were met. As we come into year three of Covid-19, one of our new working realities is a more hybrid work environment, meaning working both in the offices and also at home. It has been a challenge to cybersecurity professionals to secure business data with so many employees working remotely. This is expected to continue as a more hybrid approach takes off.

Home network challenge

For many small businesses the switch to remote and hybrid employees posed a big challenge in securing their data. We posted on the switch to remote work previously and wrote about the Telework Essentials from CISA. CISA’s guide focuses on three areas of responsibility, executive leadership, IT professionals, and the teleworkers. These three focus areas are still essential in minimizing the risk of hybrid work. 

Executive Leadership

  • Create policies and procedures and follow through on them
  • Deploy a training and awareness program
  • Create a positive cybersecurity environment for employees to work in

IT Professionals

  • Find and implement cybersecurity solutions
  • Update business devices
  • Back-up all business data from business devices regularly


  • Configure your own home networks
  • Ensure devices are up to date
  • Take on more responsibilities of IT professionals (everyone plays a role in cybersecurity)

Securing your home network

Everyone plays a part in cybersecurity. Here are some steps you can take to protect your home network.

  • Update your routers and modems regularly
  • Change default passwords on your routers and modems
  • Only use your business devices for business purposes
  • Use a guest network for all business purposes
  • Utilize virtual private networks if available
  • Use multi-factor authentication

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