Ransom before the encryption

Ransomware has become a favorite tool of hackers to exploit small businesses for money. The key to this is promising the small business they will decrypt your files once you pay the ransom. What happens though if the hackers say, pay the ransom first or we will encrypt your files? Recently a new ransomware scam is doing just this. According to NakedSecurity, this is the latest tactic used to hold small businesses for ransom. Fortunately so far, they have reported that it is just a scam, that the hackers do not actually have malware installed on your devices.

Even though NakedSecurity states they have not seen an instance where the hackers actually have malware on your devices, it is a great opportunity to confirm your backups are occurring on a regular daily schedule and that your antivirus and anti-malware solutions are up to date. You do not want to find out that your backup solution is not configured correctly and not backing up what you thought it was if you actually get a ransomware attack on your devices!
